広島と長崎 ~ Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Viime perjantaina, 6.8., oli Hiroshiman pommitusten 65. muistopäivä. Tänään, 9.8., puolestaan Nagasakin pommituksista on kulunut tuo samainen 65 vuotta. Viime päivinä onkin Japanin YouTube ollut pullollaan liikuttavia videoita, muistotilaisuuksia ja puheita, mutta tää seuraava video oli musta kaikista liikuttavin ja mieleenpainuvin.
Please, free the world from nuclear weapons.
Haastan kaikki lukijat lataamaan oman pyyntönsä videon lopussa mainittuun osoitteeseen, MillionPleas.com . Itsekin lataan omani sinne lähipäivinä.
We want to make the world's longest video chain letter.
The video has been started by a group of school children from Hiroshima, Japan and is addressed to the 9 countries still in possession of nuclear weapons. We're asking people from all over the globe to upload a video clip of themselves saying the word "please". The "pleases" will then be edited into a long virtual chain letter, which will act as a petition to abolish nuclear weapons, worldwide.
The campaign is an initiative of ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons, and is being launched in this the 65th anniversary year of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Please add your voice to the campaign.
We want to make the world's longest video chain letter.
The video has been started by a group of school children from Hiroshima, Japan and is addressed to the 9 countries still in possession of nuclear weapons. We're asking people from all over the globe to upload a video clip of themselves saying the word "please". The "pleases" will then be edited into a long virtual chain letter, which will act as a petition to abolish nuclear weapons, worldwide.
The campaign is an initiative of ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons, and is being launched in this the 65th anniversary year of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Please add your voice to the campaign.
2 kommenttia:
12. elokuuta 2010 klo 1.35 ,
NgZ kirjoitti...
Ei kyllä ydinaseista ole mitään muuta kuin haittaa tälle maailmalle. Surulliset muistopäivät :/
12. elokuuta 2010 klo 2.47 ,
Lotta | Watia.fi kirjoitti...
NgZ: Joo... :-/ Harmi vaan, että tuskin meidän elinaikana tulee olemaan ydinaseetonta maailmaa. ;__;
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